
Www afrikaanse musiek co za
Www afrikaanse musiek co za

www afrikaanse musiek co za

We value our media partnership with Radio KC in order to convey this message to an even broader audience,” says Jonas.Īttendance is free of charge, but booking is essential. “Rappers are poets in their own right who can make young people aware of, and excited about, the richness of our language and poetry. In June he will be on the Artscape stage in “Smoortjies&Smoothies” with Mervyn Africa.Īccording to Michael Jonas, Director of the ATM, the aim of the event is to celebrate the diversity of Afrikaans music, especially among young people. Jitsvinger is currently working on his second album after the successful start of his career with the launch of “Skeletsleutel” in 2006. He recently returned from his second tour of the Netherlands, this time with the musical theatre production “South African Road Trip: Celebrating Life”.

www afrikaanse musiek co za

He describes himself as a “multi faceted artist with lots of creativity and ‘culture’ to spare”. The performing artist Quintin Goliath, better known as Jitsvinger, is an established writer, composer, educator and musician from the Cape Flats. The programme will be broadcast live by the local radiostation, Radio KC 107.7FM. It also includes a performance by local Afrikaans rap group Getuie$, as well as an open mic session (with prebooking). The programme starts at 10:00 and ends at 12:00. Jitsvinger will be the guest speaker and will also present a short workshop about rapping in Afrikaans. Popular Afrikaans rapper Jitsvinger will perform his word magic at the Youth Day celebration of the Afrikaanse Taalmuseum en -monument (ATM) on 16 June 2017 at Klein Nederburg Secondary School in Paarl. Vir meer inligting oor die ATM, besoek of volg die Taalmonument op Facebook, Twitter of Instagram. Toegang is gratis vir Drakenstein-inwoners met biblioteekkaartjies, R30 vir volwassenes, R10 vir Suid-Afrikaanse studente en pensioenarisse en R5 vir kinders (gratis onder ses jaar). Bespreek by Nkita Pietersen by 021 872 3441 of Die Taalmonument op Paarlberg is op Jeugdag van 08:00 tot 17:00 oop vir die publiek (laaste toegang om 16:30).

www afrikaanse musiek co za

Toegang is gratis, maar bespreking is noodsaaklik. Ons is dankbaar vir ons mediavennootskap met Radio KC wat dié boodskap aan nog ‘n wyer gehoor versprei, ” sê Jonas.

www afrikaanse musiek co za

“Rymkletsers is digters in hul eie reg wat op ‘n byderwetse wyse jongmense bewus maak van die rykheid van ons taal en poësie. Volgens Michael Jonas, die Direkteur van die ATM, wil die ATM met hierdie geleentheid die diversiteit van Afrikaanse musiek vier, veral onder jongmense. Hy is ook in Junie in Artscape te sien in “Smoortjies&Smoothies” met Mervyn Africa. Jitsvinger werk tans aan sy tweede album ná die suksesvolle afskop van sy loopbaan met die vrystelling van “Skeletsleutel” in 2006. Hy het onlangs teruggekeer van sy tweede Nederlandse toer, hierdie keer met die musikale teaterproduksie “South African Road Trip: Celebrating Life”. Hy beskryf homself as ‘n “multifasetkunstenaar met hope kreatiwiteit en 'kultuur' te spaar”. Die plaaslike radiostasie, Radio KC 107.7FM, saai die program regstreeks uit.ĭie uitvoerende kunstenaar Quintin Goliath, beter bekend as Jitsvinger, is 'n gevestigde skrywer, komponis, opvoeder en musikant van die Kaapse Vlakte. Dit sluit ook ‘n optrede in deur die plaaslike rymkletsgroep Getuie$, asook ‘n oopmikrofoonsessie (waarvoor belangstellendes vooraf moet inskryf). Die gratis program vind van 10:00 tot 12:00 plaas. Jitsvinger is die gasspreker en sal ook ‘n kort werkswinkel oor rymklets in Afrikaans aanbied. DIE gewilde rymkletser Jitsvinger kom met woorde toor by die Afrikaanse Taalmuseum en -monument (ATM) se Jeugdag-viering op 16 Junie 2017 by Klein Nederburg Sekondêre Skool in die Paarl.

Www afrikaanse musiek co za